Speech and Language Flashcards

 Parents who want to stimulate their children’s brain development often focus on things like early reading, flashcards and language tapes. But a growing body of research suggests that playing certain kinds of childhood games may be the best way to increase a child’s ability to do well in school. Variations on games like Freeze Tag and Simon Says require relatively high levels of executive function, testing a child’s ability to pay attention, remember rules and exhibit self-control — qualities that also predict academic success.

“Play is one of the most cognitively stimulating things a child can do,” says Megan McClelland, an early-childhood-development researcher at Oregon State University who has led much of the research.


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The key to games education is to start with a simple game and add increasingly complicated rules. For instance, Oregon researchers have developed a game called Head-to-Toes, which they use to assess preschool children’s development. Initially, the child copies the teacher’s movements, touching her head or toes. But later, the child is expected to do the opposite, touching her toes when the teacher touches her head.


While the game may sound simple, it actually requires a high level of cognitive function for a preschooler, including focus and attention, working memory to remember rules, mental flexibility (to do the opposite) and self-control.


“We tend to equate learning with the content of learning, with what information children have, rather than the how of learning,” says Ellen Galinsky, a child-development researcher and author of “Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs.” “But focusing on the how of learning, on executive functions, gives you the skills to learn new information, which is why they tend to be so predictive of long-term success.”

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English Flashcards

Research shows that children who develop focus and self-control early in life have better academic achievement in the long term. One study of 814 children between ages 3 and 6 shows that children who do well in Simon Says-like games do better in math and reading. A smaller study of 65 preschool children found that those who started the school year with low levels of self-control showed improvement after playing games in class, including a version of Red Light, Green Light.

Kids flash cards

An Oregon State study reported on 430 children who were followed from preschool until age 25. The study, published online earlier this month in Early Childhood Research Quarterly, looked at several factors, including early reading and math skills, along with other cognitive skills, to see which were ultimately most influential in college success. It turns out that a child’s ability at age 4 to pay attention and complete a task, the very skills learned in game play, were the greatest predictors of whether he or she finished college by age 25.


As a parent you have an excellent opportunity to observe your children as they begin to read. Your observations can help reveal what they are struggling with and what they are mastering with regards to their literacy skills more than any other person in the world.

You might be thinking, "Now where do I find the time to help with such a monumental project as teaching my child to read?" That a great question, but it's certainly not as hard as it seems.

Animal Flash Cards

The truth is that you can pretty much get started from day one. In fact, all the things you do, all the things you say, and the very environment you provide for your child, will generate the basic building blocks of their literacy skill set. In other words, it begins with you and the excellent support you're providing them every day.

Toddler Flash Cards

It's certainly no secret that a child begins developing his or her reading abilities very early. Skills and connections that you and I wouldn't even consider important to reading are developing quickly in your young child's mind.

In educational circles, we call these youngsters, "emergent readers." Yup, just a fancy word for kids that are starting to read - and the fact is, they're starting from the first time they open their cute little eyes!

Educational Flash Cards

Let's take a quick look at three main categories for to examine when you child starts reading. Now just a quick note: don't be intimidated by "big" words that cover very simple concepts. We just add them here to define what we are looking for and to help you understand key concepts that your child's future teacher might throw around.

Baby Flash Cards

Phonological Awareness: This refers to the awareness of various speech sounds such as syllables, rhymes, and individual sounds. You may need to spend extra care and time with letters that have natural sound duplicity in the English language, such as the letters C, X, or A. For example, the "C" in Cat is definitely different than the "C" in Circle, yet they are both the same letter.

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Orthography: This is a heavy sounding word that basically refers to the writing system of a language, such as the correct sequence of letters, characters and symbols. Your child's orthographic skills are often an early focus for pre-school and kindergarten teachers. Orthographic knowledge, for example, is spelling the word "leg" like "lge."

Sight word Flash Cards

Phonemic Awareness: Refers to the ability to consciously separate individual phonemes in a spoken language. Jolt the memory banks: a phoneme is the smallest unit of speech that distinguishes one word from the other. Phonemic awareness is often assessed by the ability to tap, count, or push a penny forward for every sound heard.


Keep in mind that when you're working with your child and still aren't sure what level he or she might be at, there is an "eye-ball" gauge that some good teachers learn over time and is appropriate to mention here. If your child is going through work easily and with no errors, than he or she is beyond that level.

Speech and Language

If your child is using words but is confused by their usage or is making several mistakes with them - that would be considered his or her instructional zone. On the other hand, when he or she is completely frustrated and wants to give up and the work seems beyond him or her, this is his frustration zone. Effective learning occurs in the instructional zone. Keep this in mind when you're working with your son or daughter and you will have an easier time finding out which areas to focus on and what areas to help with.

With a few tips you can help your child get off to a great start!


Use manipulatives: Another fancy teacher word for physical things. As a parent or caregiver, helping your child isolate the sounds in words is essential to their early success. A great way to do this would be through the use of flashcards or manipulatives, as your child is able to have an easier time distinguishing and associating a letter or picture to a sound when he or she is actually holding an object.

Preschool Flashcards

Teachable Moments: Developing phonological awareness is occurring continuously throughout your young child's life, every single day. Yet, sometimes, children can get stuck with a sound or pattern. When you catch the mistake you are operating in the child's "instructional zone." Whether playing ball or whether you're in the car, take a second to focus on the mistake and correct it.

Picture Flashcards

Model: As a parent, you are your child's first and most effective teacher. Model sounds for them and model the behavior and instructions you give while you interact with your child on every level. Modeling is by far the most effective way to teach. If you intertwine modeling with explicit instruction together, you will develop a very powerful teaching skill that can really impact your child's future reading ability.

Kids flash cards

If you do these small steps while keeping in mind the basics that your child is learning and how to support them, your child will strengthen his or her literacy skills and have fun doing it!

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